Kazakh Cuisine
Kazakh cuisine reflects the nomadic heritage of Kazakhstan, featuring hearty dishes like Beshbarmak (boiled meat with noodles) and Kazy (horse sausage). Dairy products, bread, and pilafs are common, alongside fruits and teas. It's a flavorful blend of tradition and hospitality.

The served beshbarmak
Beshparmak ('five finger')

The term beshbarmak means "five fingers" because nomads traditionally eat this dish with their hands. Beshbarmak is usually made from finely chopped boiled meat, mixed with dough (typically egg noodles) and chyk, an onion sauce.It is typically served on large communal platters, shared between several people.


The name comes from a nominalisation of the word "roast", "fried", referring to how the food is made. It is described as "stewed brown meat". Kuyrdak is usually made from lamb, mutton, beef or sheep liver or sometimes with vegetables.

Prepared Kuyrdak with potatoes and onions

Manty is a type of dumpling mainly found in Turkish cuisine, Armenian cuisine and Central Asian cuisine but also in West Asia, South Caucasus, and the Balkans.

The dumplings typically consist of a spiced meat mixture, usually lamb or ground beef, wrapped in a thin dough sheet which is then boiled or steamed. The size and shape of manti vary significantly depending on geographic location.

Fried Palau with garlic
Palau is a rice dish, usually sautéed, or in some regions, a wheat dish, whose recipe usually involves cooking in stock or broth, adding spices, and other ingredients such as vegetables or meat and, employing some technique for achieving cooked grains that do not adhere to each other.

Pilaf is mentioned in the monument of medieval Arabic and Persian literature "One Thousand and One Nights", as well as as a medicinal remedy, in the writings of the Persian physician Avicenna (980-1037).

Qazy is a traditional sausage-like food of Turkic and Central Asian ethnic groups.

Qazy is a traditional Kazakh sausage made primarily from horse meat. It's seasoned with a blend of spices, stuffed into casings, and either smoked or air-dried. This delicacy is enjoyed in various ways, from being cooked in stews to grilled or served as a snack.

Bauyrsaq (Kazakh Donut)It is shaped into either triangles or sometimes spheres. The dough consists of flour, yeast, milk, eggs, butter, salt, sugar, and margarine.

Bauyrsaq is often eaten as a dessert, with syrup or jam or honey. They may be thought of as cookies or biscuits, and since they are fried, they are sometimes compared to doughnuts.

Qūrt is made from strained yogurt, drained buttermilk or drained sour milk by shaping it and letting it dry. It can be made in a variety of forms, like rolled into balls, sliced into strips, and formed into chunks.

There are three main kinds of food products with this name: foods based on curdled milk products like yogurt or cheese; foods based on barley broth, bread, or flour; and foods based on cereals combined with curdled milk.

Shelpekis a traditional Central Asian flatbread commonly consumed all over the region. The main ingredients of shelpek are flour, milk, sugar, butter, sour cream such as Kaymak, baking soda, salt and vegetable oil.

Shelpekis especially important on Friday. Friday is the holy day of the week in the Muslim world. The Shelpek is prepared in order to honor the memory of those who died. After cooking, these Shelpek are served with cheese, jam or sour cream, usually in the afternoon, with a cup of tea. This Shelpek can also be used with various stews and curries.

Camel milk, vital for nomadic cultures, sustains herders during arid journeys. Its expanding industry in Australia and the US provides an eco-friendly alternative to cow farming. Nutritional content varies by camel type and diet. Though great for yogurt and ice cream, camel milk isn't suitable for butter or cheese.

Camel milk contains a variety of vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin B complex (such as B1, B2, B6, and B12), vitamin A, and vitamin E. These vitamins contribute to its nutritional value and health benefits, making it a valuable source of nutrients for those who consume it.