Natural Attraction


The unusual valley of balls, which stretches in the Torysh tract, is considered one of the most mysterious places in the Mangystau region.

Steppe wind and high temperatures, rain and frost split and cover these geological formations with a grid of cracks. Sometimes tourists can find here the fossilized remains of ancient oceanic life - snails, ammonites, mollusks, teeth or bones of sharks and other inhabitants of the ancient ocean.
For many years they have been trying to unravel the nature of the phenomenon, puzzling over the reasons for the appearance of unusual balls of regular shape, which eventually begin to crumble, like an onion dropping layer by layer. They were formed about 180 - 120 million years ago in the geological era of the Mesozoic.
According to the second version, the balls were formed more than 120 million years ago. At that time, the Tethys Ocean with a huge accumulation of plankton was located at this place. It was these organisms that became the basis for spherical nodules, the size of which increased over time. Over the years, the water began to recede, and the petrified balls remained on land. Which version is true is still difficult to say.
Asima Koshim, a professor at al-Farabi Kazakh National University, explains that there are two main versions of the origin of the balls in science: according to the first, they were formed as a result of an earthquake in the zone of tectonic faults. Due to the displacement of the plates, the rocks were subjected to discharges, melted and turned into a lump. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that there is a grain in the center of the stones, which over time rolled sand and clay over itself.
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