Natural Attraction


Airakty-Shomanai or simply Airakty is a system of remnant mountains on Mangystau. They became known under the name "Valley of castles of Airakty" thanks to the drawings of the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.
The surroundings of Airakta resemble a mysterious desert city with ruined remnants that look like towers and castles with spires. It is recommended to climb the mountain and get a better view of the terrain from a flat platform. You can also see the Aktau Mountains from it. Walking along the path to the site, you can meet steppe horses and mouflons, and at the foot of the mountain – scorpions and turtles.
Like the Bozzhira tract, the Airakta Mountains were covered by the Tethys Ocean in ancient times. This is why the Mangyshlak peninsula is interesting, which was formed 25 million years ago as a result of a layer of the earth's crust that rose due to an earthquake. After that, the formation began to deviate to the west. Over time, the erosion of the Cretaceous rocks led to the formation of canyons, outliers, caves, and winds and precipitation completed this process. To this day, the landscape is changing. Presumably, after 5-7 thousand years, weathering will lead to the disappearance of the remnant mountains altogether, since their height decreases every year.
Since the end of the VI century, caravans of the Great Silk Road have been passing through the land of Mangistau, and legends say that treasures can be found in the valley. Tourists often come with metal detectors in order to find gold. According to local shepherds, sometimes they actually find silver and gold coins.
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